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Al Costello - Elder

Al accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior in the summer of 1982. From that point on he developed a hunger for the Word of God and a passion to let everyone know that God is who He says He is.  Al received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in 1994 and believes the gifts of the Holy Spirit as spoken of in I Corinthians 12:7-11 are available to all who believe. Al believes, as God’s word says, we are all members of one body with different abilities and gifts and we should all work together for the furthering of the kingdom of God on earth.  It is Al’s desire to see the city of Newcastle and the Black Hills area saved, delivered and healed. Also to help believers understand who they are in Christ.


Music is one of Al’s great passions and at the age of 15 he was inspired (meaning “God breathed”) to learn to play the guitar.  Al now plays on the worship team at Church on the Hill and believes that singing, shouting, dancing, raising hands, waving banners and blowing the Shofar are some of the ways to freely express your love for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ.


Al met his wife Brenda in 1994 and they were married in 1999.  They both continue to serve God in their Church and community through music and volunteering.


Al has one son and three grandchildren.

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