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Bill Taylor - Elder

Bill was born on a farm in northwestern Montana in 1948. He obtained a Bachelor’s degree in

Agricultural and Industrial Arts Education and a Master’s degree in Agricultural Education from Montana State University. He taught Vocational Agriculture, Industrial Arts, and Careers to junior high and high school students in various schools in North Dakota and Montana for over 16 years. In 1992, Bill accepted a position with the University of Wyoming as an Extension Educator in northeastern Wyoming. As an Extension Educator, Bill taught agriculture and horticulture for 10 years until moving into community development for another ten years before retiring in 2014.

Bill’s spiritual journey started when he was saved at age 14 and baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1971. He has been involved the Charismatic Renewal of the 1970’s and the Discipleship Movement of the 1980’s. He was trained in developing and leading inductive Bible studies and small groups while in Intervarsity Christian Fellowship in college. Bill has held numerous leadership positions in various churches, nondenominational fellowships and small groups, from small group leader to Sunday school teacher to elder. Over the course of the years he has been involved in leading, participating in, or teaching in over 20 denominational churches or church groups and 7-8 nondenominational fellowships or groups. He and his wife, Esther, took basic and advanced training in prayer ministry counseling from Elijah House Ministries in Post Falls, ID. His ministry centers on teaching and prophetic and apostolic ministry to the Body of Christ and is presently an elder of Church on the Hill.

Bill and Esther were married in 1977 and have 4 daughters, 8 grandchildren (with another on the way), and 2 great grandsons. Bill lives in Newcastle and Esther lives in the Weston County Manor, where they are involved in their home nondenominational church.

Bill believes in the necessity of salvation by the blood of Jesus Christ by the repentance for sin, baptism of the Holy Spirit as a separate and desirable experience available for all Christians, and the necessity of water baptism as a sign and witness of our identification with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Bill believes that denominations are an artificial division of the Body of Christ developed by man to accommodate his desire to justify doctrine rather than make the effort to fellowship around the head of the Church, Jesus.


Bill believes God sees those who have a relationship with Him as the true Church and

sees the church of a city, a community or region as a whole, not as a group of churches. At the same time, it is impossible for every Christian in a community or region to be in fellowship or covenant with every other Christian in that area, so it is legitimate for individual fellowships or church groups to exist, as long as they recognize that they are part of a larger whole and it is their Christ-ordained duty to relate to every other Christian in unity.

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